
WATCH: Jai Cunningham takes an emotional, shocking stand against violence

As October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (better late than never!) I am compelled to share this video with you this morning.  A local news anchor took a shocking stand against domestic violence this morning, LIVE.  I cried.  So grab a tissue, watch, and please share!
WATCH: Jai Cunningham takes an emotional, shocking stand against violence


So, Remember When I Used to Blog? Yeah, me neither...

It has come to this point.

I'm calling it quits.

I thought I could juggle my new life as a mommy and blog writer but I just can't.

I can't.

Phillip is almost 10 months now and my oh my how fast time flies! He is climbing on everything and loves to explore. His personality is developing quickly and it's so amazing to watch him grow into a little boy.

I have come to realize that I much rather slow down and disconnect for awhile than try to keep up with all the changes that surround me.

I can barely keep up with Phillip, let alone this crazy world we live in!

So I've decided to disconnect in more ways than one. We've downgraded our cable and will soon be downgrading our cell phone plans. The decision to do so was mostly financial but since we've cut back on cable I find it very refreshing. My retinas aren't tortured by the likes of Honey Boo Boo and Real Housewives.

By disconnecting from the outside I hope to better connect on the inside. With my family, with God, and with myself. I won't be posting any blog posts for awhile. And my Twitter feed has been super quiet lately. I am on Facebook but am finding difficulty in creating a purpose for my page. I'm still available by email as well (islestyleliving@gmail.com).

I may return to the blog world but at this point I'm not sure. I will do my best to keep up with all of your lovely blogs. If you have a blog and I'm not yet a follower please let me know in the comments below. If you have any questions about my previous posts (running for a beginner, pregnancy, gestational diabetes, pain-medication free childbirth, breastfeeding, etc...) please send me an email or contact me through my Facebook page.

Thank you all for being so supportive and inspirational to me!

A hui hou! (Until we meet again)
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