
Blog Housekeeping

First of all, I'd to extend a warm aloha to all my new followers!

Second of all, you may have noticed a few changes around here.

I changed my banner to include a picture.  This picture was taken by moi at Waimea Bay.  It's one of my favorite beaches in Hawaii!

During this time of year the waves get pretty big... so big you can feel the sand beneath you tremble when the wave crashes!


But during the summer? The ocean here is like a lake... calm, glassy, and so refreshing!

Also something new: MY BUTTON!

Using super easy tips from my girl @ Jenn's Adventures, I learned how to create my own blog button.

So what the heck is a blog button? It's a way to share some blog love!  

If you look at my side bar on the left (<----- that way) you'll see I posted one of Jenn's buttons for her Speechless Sunday series.  

And I'm all about returning favors (um, blog favors people!) so if you created a button and want to share, just let me know! I'll grab yours if you grab mine (oh goodness this is getting out of hand!). Just grab the code at the top of my sidebar =)


Also I wanted to give all my followers a head's up- I'm reaching my 100th post soon and would like to do another giveaway to my followers! 

The catch? You need to be a follower before I post #101.  So spread the word to share some of the giveaway fun!


  1. LOVE your new button sister!! I already snagged it and put it on my blog:) We might have to tweak your code -- although I might be the one a little tweaked right now!

    Thank you for the shout out(s) -- I love the new additions -- but mostly, thank you for being you -- I love and miss you lots, and I am so thankful for our friendship.


  2. I put your button on my right sidebar! Towards the bottom under "Blogs I Love." You're the first one too! :) Let's swap!! ;)


Hey Gorgeous!

Thanks for reading. I love hearing from my readers so please share what's on your mind!

{Be sure to set up your email address so I can reply! I try to respond to each and every comment, usually via email. Don't worry, no one sees your email but me and I only use it to respond to comments. If you are a no-reply-blogger than I'll just respond within the post, so be sure and check back!}

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